
Monday, January 24, 2011

Angry Birds' Golden Eggs Locations

This is a good find for me peepz that's why I'm saving it here.
If you want to complete  Angry Bird's golden eggs, this is probably the best link
I can give you.
Feel free to post in some errors or updates.

Thank you.

Where To Find Angry Bird's Golden Eggs

1. Location: Main menu
Tap the sun on the level selection screen a few times for the golden egg to pop out.

2. Location: Main menu
Watch the full credits, and tap the golden egg that appears at the end.

3. Location: Any level, after unlocking World 2 Level 14
Open the 'help' menu (? button), and click through to the white birds. Tap the golden egg.

4. Location: World 1, Level 8
Tap the chest a few times for the egg to appear.

5. Location: World 2, Level 2
Burst the beach ball for the egg to appear.

6. Location: Poached Eggs
Grab three stars on every stage in Worlds 1, 2 and 3, which make up "Poached Eggs", the game's first level pack.

7. Location: World 4, Level 7
Pinch and zoom to see a golden egg perched high above the game area on a clifftop. The only bird that will reach it is the yellow one, so use up all your other birds and aim with the yellow bird. It will take a few attempts, trust me.

8. Location: World 5, Level 19
The top right brick (slope shaped) on the leftmost tower contains the egg. Smash it (the egg-dropping white bird is your easiest bet) to grab the egg.

9. Location: Mighty Hoax
Grab three stars on every stage in Worlds 4 and 5, which make up "Mighty Hoax".

10. Location: World 6, Level 14
Zoom out to see the floating yellow balloon underneath the treehouse. The only way to hit it (which unlocks the egg) is to accurately send a boomerang bird back on itself. No small feat, and will likely take many goes to perfect.

11. Location: World 8 Menu
This cheeky egg is hiding to the far right of World 8's level select menu. Drag the screen left, starting with your pinky at the far right of the screen, to see the egg. Once it's in view, it will be yours.

12. Location: World 8, Level 15
Another egg inaccessible to any bird other than the windy, bendy boomerang bird that turns back on itself with a screen tap. You could try and use the bouncy pink stuff with the yellow and white birds, but your best bet is when the boomerag.

13. Location: Danger Above
Score three stars on every stage in Worlds 6, 7 and 8, which make up "Danger Above", the game's third level pack.

14. Location: World 9, Level 14
This cheeky egg is wearing a hard hat, the card! He's hanging out at the very edge of the stage, and you'll need to get rid of that big tower to have a crack at him. Once the tower falls, though, he's pretty easy to hit. Won't take many goes.

15. Location: World 10, Level 3
The egg is in the rubber ducky, so crack the quacker to retrieve your treat. No easy task, but aim high and have a bird crash down from the sky to reach it.

16. Location: World 11, Level 15
This cheeky egg is hiding underneath the stage and requires, you guessed it, the boomerang bird. While this tricky stunt will have you pulling your hair out, at least you'll likely get the "Backwards Compatible" Game Center achievement in the process for firing 10 birds in the wrong direction.

17. Location: The Big Setup
Score three stars on every stage in Worlds 9, 10 and 11, which make up "The Big Setup", the game's fourth and final level pack.

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